Martelan Turun aluetoimisto muutti BioCityyn
Muuton taustaa ja lähtökohdat Martela Oyj:n Turun aluetoimisto muutti BioCityyn elo-syyskuun vaihteessa. Martelalle saneerattu 200 neliömetrin toimitila sijaitsee kiinteistön kolmannessa kerroksessa.
Hello! What’s your name and what are you doing here at Werstas?
I'm Andrei Neagu and I'm from Minutizer. I work here in Turku because we want to expand our business in the Nordics. Our company started four years ago from Bucharest, Romania. We already expanded to the US and we are getting bigger also in western Europe. I have mobile membership here at Werstas, which means I work mainly in the working cafés and quiet rooms.
What does Minutizer do?
I do business development for Minutizer. Basically we build technology that allows anybody from the modern society to receive financial rewards for sharing with other persons of their time and knowledge via Skype, for example guitar lessons or even dermatologist consultations. I also do other projects, such as electric mobility bikes. We want to become the next Tesla, so big plans ahead!
From where did you come here?
I came first four years ago but it was more like coming and going, I never really settled here. Now I've been here full time a year and a half. Of course I'm travelling still but more or less I'm here. I visit Romania quite often, because our main office is in Bucharest. I also visit family and friends, it’s really easy to travel there because there are direct flights from Helsinki to Bucharest.
How did you find your way to Werstas?
Actually, a friend of mine had an office room here. When I came here first and saw this place it was really awesome: vibrant colours and open spaces compared to a traditional office space. If I would rent an office, I would need to pay for cleaning services, coffee, and things like that. Now Werstas takes care of the services and I don't have to worry about it. Especially for a beginner, the costs could be too high. This way, it's way more efficient to join Werstas! This seemed to be the best option, and after a few months I´m pretty happy about this place.
Have you met other Werstas members?
Everyone seems to be busy working. But that’s not a bad thing. I’ve been travelling quite a lot and some of the countries I’ve visited it’s a lot of talk and less work, here it’s opposite which is good. But I´d like to know more people who also work here under the same roof.
What do you think about the Science Park area?
When I first came to Turku and this area four years ago, it was really different. It has changed so much in four years already! I think this is the place to be, where companies, students and entrepreneurs meet and do business. A lot of offices, new people and hype going on. It’s probably the best time for me to be here, everything is expanding and growing. It´s also interesting that big companies such as LG and Rolls-Royce are now here to make research.
Any favorite place here?
I really like VG Wok! The food's tasty and people working there take good care of the customers.
By car, by bike or by foot?
Actually all of them! Today I came by car, but usually I’m walking because it's refreshing. I'd like to bike more though.
Any greetings for the readers?
Everyone at Werstas could hang out more here in the working cafés and get to know each other better.
Do you have plans for the weekend?
I might go to a hackathon called Junction, which is held in Helsinki. If I have time, I plan to visit Naantali as well. It´s really beautiful and the weather seems to be fine during the weekend.
Thanks for the chat Andrei and have a relaxing weekend!
Muuton taustaa ja lähtökohdat Martela Oyj:n Turun aluetoimisto muutti BioCityyn elo-syyskuun vaihteessa. Martelalle saneerattu 200 neliömetrin toimitila sijaitsee kiinteistön kolmannessa kerroksessa.
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